Earn real money by just making some friends and chatting on meyo app
What is meyo app?
MEYO app is a new socializing popular fridly app game .. now our new meyo app generation will provides you with all races and religions in order to get to know their lives and daily lives with people you know and have never meet in your life, and also inside it is distinguished by a good live broadcast so that you can speak with normal text messages.
This meyo app provide you to discover nearby city people and make friends with others across the world in a few days by text and voice chat .. this app new version will got ya using social device and find the best way to collect money on mobile smartphone while chatting only
The notifications are as many as a group text chat through groups within your country. And MEYO app offers fantastic profits only from invitations to your friends to download the app and work on it, and we will address this topic in the other part of the article
Steps to join meyo application
Don't forget the invitation code to get 60 gold coins Invitation code: YDK2SE
you will sign in by register through Facebook, Google account, or iPhone account.
3. Third,
Meyo application will opens in its natural form, and it is also possible for people to talk about you and they are real people and experts in the application help you to understand the work of acquaintance, but here is how to make money from it.
go to your account and click on invite friends to earn money, the code will appear to activate it with your friends who you want to invite, click on publish ..copy meyo link and srnd it to your friends to get referral , earn jewelry when your friends confirm you meyo invitation and complete there registration , even when they enters meyo app again on the second day, you also win, and if you recharge with an app, you win more
Note: Your meyo gold balance on application will be spend when you start private chat text messages.
Profit withdrawal method meyo app
After collecting meyo gold and skipped to withdraw step, go to your profile and choose the package that you will collect the gold on the app paying for users reallyverry fast without any problems
for the first time verify an email and activate it, and then it is automatically transferred quickly.
Invitational code may appear on meyo's logo apply it when you download apps on ios or playstore phone and start working dont forget subscribe our youtube channel you can inform more details by watching latest videos and dont forget following us to explore more similar instructions about earning from internet
You can use fake data information for your safety and ignore share upload images , video, music programs events ,sports,website for extra policy
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